
欧文康考迪亚大学 商学院 Names First Entrepreneur in Residence

欧文康考迪亚大学 商学院 Names First Entrepreneur in Residence

Founder of 接斯蒂克斯 Charlie Zhang of Laguna Niguel kicks off new school year for 商学院

加州欧文. (2016年9月12日口袋里只有20美元,没有学位, 24 year-old Charlie Zhang emigrated from Shanghai to the United States in 1980 to escape the revolution in his native China. After hard work and a successful run as the founder of Orange County-based 接斯蒂克斯 restaurants—and 18 other start-up companies—Zhang was recently appointed by the 商学院 at 欧文康考迪亚大学 as its first Entrepreneur in Residence (EiR) to 教 业务 students about real-world 业务 experience.

作为一所私立文科大学的常驻企业家, 张将指导和指导学生们关于新的商业理念, 在本科生和研究生班做客座演讲, 保持站立办公时间. Students across all majors—not just 业务—will have access to Zhang’s counsel. 拉古纳尼古尔的企业家, who officially began his post on the first day of school—August 22—will also meet with members of the 业务 student fraternity, Sigma, 讨论职业选择, and review students’ 业务 plans for Concordia’s second 安ual Cornelius Business Plan Competition next spring. Zhang will also discuss 业务 plans by MBA students for their capstone class. His first assignment will be as a guest speaker Tuesday, September 13 at 6 p.m. 在兼职教授阿特·卡特教授的MBA创业课上, a vice president in the commercial banking group of a local financial institution, who was instrumental in helping Zhang launch 接斯蒂克斯 when he worked for another bank.

“All the students love Charlie,” says 商学院 Dean Stephen Christensen. “他们钦佩他的谦逊、专业知识和实用性.”

主要起源于风险投资公司, Entrepreneurs in Residence (EiR) roles today are usually temporary and have expanded to 业务 schools and technology companies. eir带来了企业家的视角, providing guidance to 业务 students who intend to go down the same path.

这是他第一次担任驻校企业家. “我认为这是一份工作,一种义务和承诺,”他说. “我从未在中国上过大学. I want to learn from a Christian university in America, and hope to raise successful entrepreneurs.” This also marks a first for the newly-accredited 商学院 在欧文的康考迪亚大学 to have an EiR. 计划包括增加更多在各自领域都是专家的eir, 还有有信仰的男男女女, 大学官员说. 张老师希望学生们能从中学到重要的一课. “即使在这么多不同的行业取得了成功, 在一天结束的时候, 圣经是游戏书.”

成为康考迪亚大学欧文分校的常驻企业家, candidates must be a Christian 业务 leader who has started a successful company, 或公司, 据克里斯滕森说. 他们也必须有一颗仆人的心去鼓励, 教, 激励, 并指导学生, 并回馈社会.” Zhang will serve as EiR of Concordia the entire academic year—now through graduation in 2017. “Concordia is honored to have such a successful entrepreneur to mentor our students, a man of great faith and values who supplements classroom learning with his real-world expertise.”

But success didn’t come easily for the hard working entrepreneur after arriving from China.

在食品服务行业做过几份工作之后, 张在1984年和5年后开了自己的餐厅, 他创立了这个成功的餐饮品牌, 接斯蒂克斯. 在出售休闲亚洲餐厅业务后,他成立了 锡安企业, 开发商业地产的房地产公司, 零售, and residential projects where Zhang today serves as the CEO of the Laguna Niguel-based company. His reputation has earned him several distinctions including Entrepreneur of the Year by Ernst & 年轻的, 希望之城颁发的“生命精神”慈善奖, and the Ellis Island Medal of Honor which honors the contributions made to America by immigrants. 的 Laguna Niguel resident serves on the advisory boards of Concordia’s 商学院 and Chapman University’s Argyros 商学院. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Pacific Symphony and the Bowers Museum.

在他被任命为常驻企业家之前, Zhang was already serving as a mentor to students 在欧文的康考迪亚大学. He has served as a team mentor for the university’s 安ual 业务 plan competition, and as a 业务 plan judge for the 商学院’ summer 业务 academy for teens, 青少年企业家学院; and as a speaker for the 商业洞察系列, a series with high-profile speakers sponsored by Concordia’s 商学院.

在国际上, Zhang subsidized the rebuilding of elementary schools in Szechuan after a massive earthquake and most recently funded the building of a series of elementary schools near Nanging. 在国内, 他还资助了美国两岸的教堂建筑, and provided sponsorship to students and needy individuals through Zion Charity Fund, 非营利人道主义组织.


商学院 是美国最大的本科项目所在地 欧文康考迪亚大学. Accredited by the 国际 Accreditation Council for Business Education (IACBE), the under研究生 economics and 业务 administration program offers emphases in accounting, 业务数据分析, 金融, 国际业务, 管理, 市场营销, 体育管理. 的 MBA program focuses on 业务 practice with flexibility for working professionals. 教师包括企业家和高管. 的 商学院 is home to the Center for Faith and Business, the 安ual Faith & 商业论坛, 商业洞察系列, 公共政策中心, 青少年创业学院, 儿童企业家学院和战略营销研究所.


欧文康考迪亚大学 (CUI) is a private non-profit 路德 Christian four-year liberal arts university that prepares students for their vocations—their calling in life. 康考迪亚大学招收本科生, 研究生, 以及教育方面的博士课程, 护理, 神学, 业务, 以及教练/体育管理. CUI’s under研究生 program is distinctive because of its nationally recognized core curriculum, 持久的问题 & 的想法,其 路德 heritage that provides a thoughtful and caring Christian community that lives out the 神学 of “恩典. 独自一人信仰." 康科迪亚是一个美国.S. 新闻 Top Tier Regional University and has been named by 的 Chronicle of Higher Education as one of the fastest growing private nonprofit master's institutions. 今年是它成立40周年, 这所大学招收4名学生,每年有1000名学生 and is in its final year of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division II Membership Process.

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