

2019年2月12日 - 4分钟阅读


我们怎么知道学校领导是成功的呢? Improving test scores are the most obvious indicators of school leadership success. However, test scores provide a limited snapshot of school improvement. 他们需要时间来改善,而且有很多, many factors that go into sustainable improvements that manifest in high stakes accountability (e.g.(如考试成绩)提高.


There are some more immediate indicators of school leadership successes. These include the feeling that one gets when one walks into the building. 员工热情友好吗? 员工之间都在聊些什么? Are they talking about positive things about the kids, the school and their colleagues? 孩子们在聊些什么? Are they engaged in healthy developmentally appropriate chatter? Are they talking about the things that they are learning in their classrooms? 他们是在谈论即将到来的学校活动吗? All of the chatter in the building is influenced by the manner in which the leadership engages with the students, 员工与社会. When the leader’s public interactions are positive and constructive others tend to follow suit.


校园干净吗? 这听起来可能很傻, 或简单的, but when a leader models a willingness to reach down to pick up trash others do the same. This results in a much cleaner campus and more welcoming environment.


教室里的能量是什么? When one walks into the classrooms in a school does instruction stop? 孩子们会再看一遍吗? When the leadership is in the classrooms regularly they develop a much more clear picture of what’s happening in the building and the teachers and students grow accustomed to having visitors. Having open classrooms, where learning is transparent, is a strong indicator of leadership success.


A more nuanced view of school leadership success manifests in the school’s master schedule. Do students have access to a robust offering of rigorous courses? Is there a healthy range of CTE and VAPA electives for students and does student choice drive the enrollment in those classes? Leadership owns the master schedule and student needs drive the course selections. Equity and equitable access can readily be viewed in the course offerings and selections.


Are there robust PBIS systems in place that are supported by Multi Tiered Systems of Support for both student academic and social/emotional needs? In a successful school the systems of support and intervention are part of the school’s culture and are readily perceptible to members of the school community and visitors. 当领导者把这些事情放在首位时,这些事情就会发生.


Is the staff engaged in positive meaningful collaboration? It is leadership’s responsibility to carve out time for the staff to collaborate and to support staff in their efforts to grow and learn together; to use data to drive the work that they do in their classes and across the school’s programs.


Do the staff know the school’s data and is the data to which they refer deeper than state test scores? In a successful school the staff and leadership both know and use data to drive their decisions and to adjust their systems and work.


人们玩得开心吗?? A clear indicator of school leadership success is that students and staff are visibly having fun in the school. 学习是工作,但也可以是乐趣. 当领导, students and staff are willing to smile and laugh with each other the tenor and tone of the building takes on a lighter and more constructive feel. 正能量产生正能量.

All of the things discussed above are indicators of successful school leadership. Done well, these things will inevitably lead to higher scores on high stakes state assessments. Successful leadership has many more indicators than test scores. The greatest indicator of a successful school is that people want to be in the building (staff, students and leaders are happy and proud to be part of the school and the work that is being done at the school).

Leadership is challenging and rewarding on many levels. My experience has been that the rewards far outweigh the challenges. Who wouldn’t want to work in a building where the above was true?

Stuart Caldwell has been in public education since 1991. After having taught at both the middle school and high school levels for seven years, 然后他进入了行政部门, serving as an assistant principal at both middle and high school. Woodworth-Monroe TK-8 in Inglewood is his third principalship. The entirety of his educational experience has been in Title I inner-city schools.

Beyond his site administrative experience, Caldwell has taught in the MAEd and Ed.D. 康考迪亚大学欧文分校的项目, helping to prepare teachers for leadership and leaders for advanced leadership positions. He believes strongly in the power of education as a way to increase equitable access to all of the benefits of our society for our students and families. He loves the work he does in both his day job as a site leader and as an adjunct professor.
