

康考迪亚管乐团和Dr. 汤姆·穆勒,管风琴


2019年6月, the Concordia Wind Orchestra toured to France and the Netherlands to participate in the 75th anniversary of D-Day.


以埃菲尔铁塔为背景, the Concordia Wind Orchestra anchored the 220-piece D-Day Memorial Wind Band, 在二战英雄的指挥棒下, 阿纳德·加布里埃尔上校. 音乐会以爱国歌曲和流行歌曲为特色.


On this day, thousands descended on this hallowed ground to pay respects. 一大群人静静地走过场地, although clumps of people would gather around any WWII veteran passing through to shake hands, 拍照, 说谢谢, 听故事. 这次经历特别暖心. 在一面高耸的美国国旗下, the Concordia Wind Orchestra played solemn ceremonial music as part of a wreath-laying ceremony.


  1. 法国国歌
  2. U.S. 国歌
  3. 永恒的父亲,强大的拯救. 罗伯特W. 史密斯)
  4. 《神化:军队滚滚而来. 基督教Guebert)
  5. 默哀时刻
  6. 熄灯号(由OC音乐会乐队Alan Ochai演奏)
  7. 敬献花圈
  8. 我的祖国是你的. 杰夫·赫德/理查德·威廉姆斯/杰夫·金)
  9. 美丽的美国. 卡门龙)

我们的音乐传遍了墓地. 接近尾声, 我们唱“让音乐吹起微风”, and ring from all the trees sweet freedom’s song” as a lone trumpet intoned a descant.



Our day began with lunch on a grassy hill overlooking Omaha Beach as jets and WWII aircraft did flyovers to close the D-Day Ceremonies attended by heads of state just down the shore from us. 然后, we walked in a parade spanning one mile of Omaha Beach between Vierville and Saint Laurent, 终点是奥马哈海滩纪念碑. The 350-member Florida State 3月ching Band anchored the parade, and Col. 加布里埃尔担任游行指挥. At the Omaha Beach Memorial, a large crowd gathered for a concert by the D-Day Memorial Wind Band. 大多数听众在整个音乐会中都站着, 完全环绕在乐队周围, 还是由科尔. 盖伯瑞尔.


The second part of our tour featured the CWO with University Organist, Dr. 汤姆米勒, for a special concert: “D-Day 75: A Concert of 音乐 and Silence Dedicated to Those Who Served for the Sake of Freedom.这场庄严的音乐会一共演出了三次. 大多数音乐来自受二战影响的作曲家. It featured some very unique programming that fully utilized cathedral spaces and acoustics.

  1. 米约——法兰西组曲. 1、3、5)(CWO)
  2. Purcell/Stucky - Funeral Sentences (CWO, preceded by dramatic timpani drum roll)
  3. 阿兰-连词(风琴)
  4. Messiaen - The Abyss of the Birds (2 clarinets in dialogue from back corners of cathedral, 从风琴独奏的最后一个和弦无缝进入。
  5. Obrecht - Kyrie from Missa L’homme arme (choral work transcribed for instruments: organ with trumpet intoning “L’homme arme”, middle verse played by oboe-trumpet-trombone-bass clarinet quartet)
  6. 火花-走出黑暗,走向光明(CWO)
  7. 为Kleinorgel(风琴)制作的30 spielst ke中的蒸馏器- Langsame, 当音乐家们走上前去组成合唱时)
  8. Distler - “Friend, Fighting is Not Enough” from Tontentanz (sung in German)
  9. 朗莱-死亡与复活(器官), with instruments intoning Gregorian chant paraphrases and balcony trumpets)
  10. 加勒比海盗. 罗伯特W. Smith - Eternal Father, Strong to Save (CWO, with wave drums sounding from balcony)
  11. John Williams - Hymn to the Fallen (CWO, including sung choral parts and organ)
  12. Widor -人头肉(CWO和器官)

这一系列的表演没有掌声或评论. 在完成, we received extremely warm ovations from our audiences and followed with encores of folk music from the Netherlands and U.S., and closed with Sousa’s Hands Across the Sea, performed antiphonally between the CWO and the organ. 阅读完整的音乐会节目单和节目单.


这座教堂建于15世纪, 伊拉斯谟经常光顾, 宗教改革时期最有影响力的神学家之一. In WWII, the entire city center of Rotterdam was flattened by a Nazi blitzkrieg. 只有劳伦斯克的墙还站着. 从那时起, 这座教堂被重建得焕然一新, 包括荷兰最大的管风琴. It was an outstanding venue for the expansive sounds of the wind orchestra, 独唱, 当然还有华丽的管风琴.

六月九日:圣. 尼古拉斯和圣. 安东尼的天主教堂,Monnickendam

6月10日:圣. 阿姆斯特丹的尼古拉斯大教堂
We closed our tour at the Basilica, one of Amsterdam’s most recognizable landmarks. This spectacular church continues to utilize its 19th century Sauer organ - one of the most admired organs in the world. 在这个空间里表演是非常感人的, 尤其是教堂里坐满了观众.
